Wednesday 23 May 2012

Suggested response to "An apology to Ambiga" ('SPEAK UP' LETTER, Pg 13, the Sun, Thursday 17 May 2012)

Dear Editor,

I refer to the article in the Sun (SPEAK UP _ LETTER) page 13, of 17 May 2012, entitled " An apology to Ambiga" by Ms Josephine Moggie.

While I do agree with the points raised by Ms Moggie who sympathised with Datuk Ambiga for the incident where burger stalls were set up outside her house as a symbolic protest against the loss of business suffered during the Bersih 3.0 Rally by a group of frustrated NGO's member, i also look at the other side of the coin.

i am of the view that, we shall also sympathise with those affected in business operations, especially those smallholder around Masjid India who had to close their business during the Bersih 3.0 Rally.

As we know it, their already meager income had been affected very badly to the point of zero-income on that fateful day. This is all because of the rally which had nothing to do with them in the first place. Hence, some of them had to vent their frustration in front of Datuk Ambiga's residence.

Thank you
Best regards
Mr. Uncle Nik   

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